01905 420 459

Easter Weekend Activities at Stanfield

We always tailor our decorations and activities at Stanfield Nursing Home to national holidays. Be it Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Easter our home is always decorated with style. In our Oak Lounge we also have a Memory Tree which people we care for can use to remind themselves of the time of year and get in the festive spirit! At the moment it’s decked out in colour Easter designs with eggs, bunnies and flowers.

Tasty Easter Menus

Aside from the Easter-themed activities and crafting, those we care for received a selection of Easter eggs to enjoy from loved ones and staff! We also crafted some delicious menus for the weekend.

Good Friday Menu

People could choose from salmon in garlic and lemon sauce, battered fish or shepherd’s pie with sweet potato mash with creamed potatoes and veg. Dessert was a lovely lemon & ginger cheesecake.
For afternoon tea we baked some chocolate egg nests and a grand Easter Simnel cake!


Easter Sunday Menu

Today was roasted pork in apple sauce and gravy with roast, boiled or creamed potatoes, parsnips and carrots. Or people could choose a vegetable curry with boiled rice as an alternative. Apple crumble & custard was served as a classic favourite for dessert.

For supper we offered a buffet selection of fresh sandwiches, sausage rolls, pork pies and crisps.

Easter Monday Menu

Roast lamb with mint sauce and a side of rosemary roasted potatoes (boiled or creamed) with some veg. If people were roasted-out, we offered an alternative of chicken and mushroom pasta and a strawberry and raspberry cheesecake for dessert.

As an afternoon tea, our kitchen baked up some wonderful Easter biscuits!

Related: April Activities at Stanfield

Contacting Stanfield Nursing Home

If you want to learn more daily life and activities at Stanfield Nursing Home, please visit our website today. Alternatively, you can call 01905 420 459 to speak to a member of our helpful and friendly team. You can also check out our social media for daily updates.

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