01905 420 459

Vamos Theatre

Vamos Theatre is a full-mask theatre company taking its funny and fearless brand of wordless theatre across the country. Performances are based on real life stories created in discussion with members of the public. For example those living with dementia who generously share their knowledge and experience.

Love Through Double Glazing

Extending their support to those in care homes, Vamos Theatre is developing a new performance. It was created during Covid-19 so that they can continue to connect with residents in a safe way. It is staged entirely outside where people will view from inside where it’s warm, cosy and, most importantly, safe.

The performance goes a little something like this… Florence has a little white dog, a trolley full of tricks and a no-nonsense attitude. When visitors come to her care home, Florence is the first on the scene and the most in the know. There are multiple visitors from Geoff the armchair fitness instructor to their in-house Chef de Cuisine. They begin as believable characters but soon evolve from the real to the ridiculous.

Vamos theatre Vamos theatre

Love Through Double Glazing is funny, cheeky and unashamedly silly. It brings you clowning, music, food fights, bubbles and ballet – even a real life dog. Vamos Theatre brings the ultimate armchair enjoyment all from the safety of your window seat.

Resident Comments at Stanfield

When Rachael from Vamos Theatre offered to come to Stanfield Nursing Home to do a rehearsal of their new show, we said yes. We didn’t realise that Love through Double Glazing would make us laugh more than we have laughed in a very long time!

Stanfield has an inner courtyard garden with windows looking onto it. This seemed the ideal location to stage the show with safe viewing for the people we support and care for.

When the Chef character came to smear icing across our windows one of our carers couldn’t believe they were making such a mess. When the window cleaner character arrived we were all relieved…until they started with the hose pipe!

It was a riot of fun and laughter, but most importantly, love. The show generated so much interaction it brought back a sense of normality to us all.

This is what some of our residents said:

  • “I haven’t laughed so much for ages.”
  • “He is a cheeky young man, but if I were younger he would not know what had hit him. Fantastic time.”
  • “Shouting “get your clothes off” together with lots of laughter.”
  • “I can’t believe it, I feel alive again.”
  • “I wish XXX was with me to share so much fun.”
  • “I want that little dog.”

Contacting Stanfield Nursing Home

If you are interested in finding out more about the projects Vamos Theatre has then head to their website today. For updates on Stanfield, you can visit our website and social media for daily updates on activities in our home. Alternatively, call 01905 420 459 to speak to a member of our helpful and friendly team.