01905 420 459

What does the vaccine do?

There are different versions of the Covid-19 vaccines currently circulating in the UK. Scientists have modified the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine (viral vector), which is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus, to resemble the coronavirus. When injected into a patient, it prompts the immune system to start making antibodies and primes it to attack any coronavirus infection.

The Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech vaccines use RNA which uses a tiny fragment of the virus’s genetic code. This starts making part of the virus inside the body. The immune system then recognises this as foreign and starts to attack. It takes about 21 days for the vaccine to develop in the body to provide a level of protection.

Here’s a table for more information:


Vaccines at Stanfield

Care homes are in the top two priority groups with ‘residents in a care home for older adults and their carers’ and ‘frontline health and social care workers’. With this in mind, we made sure to follow guidance received by the Government on how to prepare. Here is a list of some of the things we did:

  • Put together staff lists to coordinate each staff member
  • Assembling necessary documents confirming staff employment in the care sector
  • Keeping staff records of vaccinations

On the 9th January 2021, Stanfield Nursing Home received a batch of Covid-19 vaccines to provide our staff and the people we care for. The process was led by the home’s nominated GP and a team to support her. Two vaccinators and our team worked their way through everyone very efficiently and with a great caring attitude. Vigilance with Infection Prevention & Control remains essential in our Worcester care home.

Contacting Stanfield Nursing Home

For more information on Covid-19 vaccines, check out the BBC website. If you are interested in learning more about our care home, please visit our website today or check our social articipate in daily updates on our social media. Alternatively, you can call 01905 420 459 to speak to a member of our helpful and friendly team.